Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#15: Adding more variety (boss attacks)

Update #15
Adding more variety (boss attacks)

I just carried on adding variety to the shooting patterns.  And I've decided to add fishes shooting bubbles, praying mantis shockwave or spider throwing some spiderwebs. Each one of these "bullets" behave very different. Some of them leave trails, some don't kill you but slow you down. All of this leads the game to have many interesing scenarios and patterns.

Praying Mantis + shockwave

Spider + Webs

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#14: Adding more variety (special attacks)

Adding more variety (special attacks)

Until now, the enemies were shooting almost the same: firing bullets with straight paths. The shape were different but still, same feeling.

I decided we could have some venom/poison coming from scorpions or baby-maggots. All of this leads the game to have many interesing scenarios and patterns.

Maggots shooting honey

Scorpion Boss + Poison

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#13: Adding fantasy, optional, gore or extreme violence - (Part: II)

Update #13
Adding fantasy, optional, gore or extreme violence - (Part: II)

Explosions will make screen to shake now (The famous screenshake). It might be too much so we made it optional in the graphics options.

Also, star of the show. We've added extreme violence when you destroy most bosses. They break appart and all the limbs , body head etc will break appart with a massive explosion.

Before of this the bosses would fall down while we displayed a series of explosions.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#12: Adding some fantasy violence - (Part: I)

Update #12
Adding some fantasy violence - (Part: I)
We asked some profesional to tell me about what he felt when playing the game. He said that the game didnt make him feel powerful, the explosions were to simple... There was nothing for him to feel good when playing the game. He didn't play more than the first stage, but still he got a point...

I replaced the old explosions for stronger ones . It makes the game a hell of a lot more interesting and satisfying to play. Also now, we've added greenish blood splash when an enemy is hit.

Bug death!

Monday, 13 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#11: Improving particle effects and overall colours.

Update #11
Improving particle effects and overall colours.




Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#10: What is going on with the bees

Clarifiyng what is going on with the bees...

After a while testing I noticed not many people understood the history by looking a small sequence with wasps carrying bads with pollen and a queen bee in the floor stunned.

I decided to add some comic style images to illustrate the history.


Here is the picture and some text that helps understanding what is going on.


Here is the old way of knowing what was going on: Nothing was explained. It was displaying a  really simple animation of some insects leaving with how knows what....

Monday, 6 February 2017

Beekyr Reloaded. DEV LOG#9: Adding game fairness (SHIELD + BOMBS)

Update #9
Adding game fairness (SHIELD + BOMBS)

Something that adds great gameplay value is being able to save you in specific moments. This is a must if the SHMUP game wants to be fair as sometimes there are so many bullets that are not dodgable.

So, I just added a new ability to trigger: The bomb BeeSquad that will initially protect the player and then get sent towards the enemy as if they were missiles.

Here you can see the initial shield.

And its following attack.